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How to Keep Your Pets Happy and Protected


Having pets is both a joy and a responsibility. Our four-legged friends become members of the family whose health, happiness, and safety matters a great deal. The following tips can help you keep your beloved pets protected, while also keeping them happy. 

Don’t Share Food With Your Pets

A number of the foods we eat can be harmful to animals. For example, dogs should not be given chocolate, grapes, onions, garlic, avocados, caffeine, or xylitol. Chives, shallots, leeks, scallions, onions, and garlic are particularly harmful to cats. The list of potentially harmful human foods is long, so it might be best to stick with dog or cat food, unless you are certain a food is safe for your pet to eat. 

Give Them Good Food

Proper nutrition is critical to your pet’s health. Ask your vet’s advice on which brands to buy, and don’t skimp on quality. 

Pet-Proof Your Home

Like children, pets can be playful, inquisitive, and mischievous. Just as you would childproof with a toddler, you also need to pet-proof with a cat or dog. Keep plastic wrappers, cords and wires, toxic plants, and small or sharp objects away from your pets. Do this in your yard as well as your home.

Spend Time With Your Pets

Animals get bored and lonely, the same as humans. It is important to play with your pets, take them for walks, and give them love every day. Exercise and a change of scenery can make a world of difference in your pets’ state of mind. You can also help keep them entertained by giving them fun toys to play with. 

Keep Up With the Grooming

Pets need bathing, brushing, nail clipping, and regular dental care – just as we do. Maintaining a regular beauty care routine can help keep your pet looking and feeling fantastic. 

Put a Collar On Your Pet

Collars are important for several reasons. They let other people know your pet has an owner who they should look for if your pet somehow escapes. They provide a way for another person to gently restrain your pet if necessary. Collars also provide a place to put contact information in case your pet should become lost. 

Provide Preventative Care

Preventative care consists of little things that can make a big difference to your pet. These include vaccinations, parasite control, microchipping, and ID tags. Preventative care coverage can be added to a pet insurance plan. It covers services such as screenings and wellness exams that help your vet detect any health issues early. 

Purchase a Pet Insurance Plan

Health insurance is essential for humans, and the same is becoming true for pets. If your dog or cat becomes ill or injured, you naturally want to provide the best of care. A pet insurance plan can make pet healthcare more available, including treatment for illnesses, injuries, and wellness care. Our agent can help you find a pet insurance plan that provides the most pet healthcare coverage for the best available price.

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